How much money can I send or request using Zelle?

We make it easy to find the information you need. When sending or requesting money, the amount is restricted for your safety and security, and cannot be changed. 

To find your limits using online banking

  1. Select your deposit account.
  2. Choose Account services.
  3. Select Transaction limits. Amounts can be found in the "Zelle® limits" section.

To find your limits using the U.S. Bank Mobile App

  1. Open the main menu on the upper left corner.
  2. Select Help and services.
  3. Choose Know your transaction limits. Amounts can be found in the "Zelle® limits" section.

Additional information

Zelle® limits apply to sending and requesting money, including transactions using "Split the bill". See below for a brief summary.

Send money limits

  • The amount that can be sent for each day.
  • The total amount that can be sent over a 30-day period.

Request money limits

  • The amount you ask for on a single request.
  • The total amount you can ask for in a day.
  • The total amount you can ask for over a 30-day period.
  • The number of requests you can make in a day.

To freely explore our digital banking services without using your own account, visit our Digital Banking Simulators page. If you'd like a step-by-step tutorial on how to use a specific service or feature, check out our Digital Explorer page.