How do I add, edit or remove a recipient in Zelle?

To add, edit, or remove a Zelle recipient using online banking

To get started, select Transfer & pay, then Send & request money with Zelle. You'll select Manage Recipients from the "Actions" menu on the right side of the page and follow the applicable steps below.

To add a recipient

  1. Select Add new recipient.
  2. Enter their first and last name, then enter their email or mobile number. 
  3. Select Save.

To change a recipient's information

  1. Select the recipient you'd like to update, then choose Edit.
  2. Select the minus sign to the right of the outdated information, then enter the recipient's new information.
  3. Select Save.

To remove a recipient

  1. Select the recipient you'd like to delete.
  2. Choose Edit, then select Delete Recipient
  3. Select Save

To add, edit or remove a Zelle recipient using the U.S. Bank Mobile App

To get started, choose Send money at the bottom of the dashboard, then select Manage Recipients and follow the steps below to complete your desired action.

To add a recipient

  1. Select Add new recipient.
  2. Enter their first and last name, then enter their email or mobile number. 
  3. Select Save.

To change a recipient's information

  1. Select the recipient you'd like to update, then choose Edit.
  2. Select the minus sign to the right of the outdated information, then enter the recipient's new information.
  3. Select Save.

To remove a recipient

  1. Select the recipient you'd like to delete.
  2. Choose Edit, then select Delete Recipient
  3. Select Save.

More information

Please note, if one of your recipients changed their banking information, you won't be able to edit it. They need to access their Zelle® profile to get it updated. Once they've updated it, funds will automatically be sent to their designated bank account. 

To freely explore our digital banking services without using your own account, visit our Digital Banking Simulators page. If you'd like a step-by-step tutorial on how to use a specific service or feature, check out our Digital Explorer page.