A fast, easy and secure way to collect transit fares

We are here to help you create seamless payment transactions by improving fare collection. Riders expect contactless options and with the Build Back Better Act delivering federal grant money to the industry, there has never been a better time to update your fare collection system.

  • Improve rider experience by making it faster, easier and more convenient to pay
  • Increase revenue by saving 30% or more on fare collection expenses1
  • Speed up service during peak periods by collecting fares more quickly than cash
  • Lower carbon emissions by reducing vehicle idling time when you board riders faster
  • Create a safer environment for riders and operators by reducing touchpoints and face-to-face interactions

Discover the benefits of contactless payments for transit agencies and consumers.

Paying for public transit can mean standing in long lines and confusing payment kiosks. The process should be frictionless, allowing riders a choice that will reduce barriers and provide a seamless travel experience. For transit operators, open-loop contactless payments have gone from a nice-to-have to a must-have.

Improve the passenger experience with contactless payments.

Give peace of mind with tap-and-pay solutions that reduce transaction touchpoints, generate cost-savings and increase engagement.

Understand the contactless payment process flow.

Visualize how contactless payments are supported from the office systems to the terminal equipment.

Revolutionize mass transit payments today.

If you’re deciding how to best modernize your transit agency, contactless fare collection is the future.

Did you know:

  • 5 to 1 is the economic return on every dollar invested in public transportation2
  • 90% of US public transit riders expect public transit to provide contactless options3
  • 60% of commuters want to reduce contact with common surfaces, such as when buying a ticket3


Are you ready to create a contactless fare collection experience?

Complete the form below to access your copy of 5 reasons to go contactless with fare collection:


By providing us with an email address you are expressly consenting to receiving email communications — including but not limited to marketing material/advertising, promotions, sales campaigns, and questioner/research surveys.

Your contactless fare questions, answered

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  1. Visa Urban Transportation. The Connection to a Brighter Tomorrow
  2. Economic Impact of Public Transportation Investment, American Public Transportation Association

  3. Visa Tap to Pay Enables Better Everyday Journeys