(SPEECH) [LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC] (DESCRIPTION) Text, Real Good. (SPEECH) FAITH SALIE: One of the things that kept being surprising to me throughout this podcast is that people's very individual stories have these recurring themes. We've heard about how Black entrepreneurs don't feel given the permission to fail, which, of course, failing is how you succeed. GREG CUNNINGHAM: That's how you grow. FAITH SALIE: Never occurred to me that that's almost a privileged message. GREG CUNNINGHAM: Which is why this work that we've been talking about around access-- how do we help them create the right network-- is so important. Often the financial part of it is actually the easy part. FAITH SALIE: That, to me, was kind of mind blowing. GREG CUNNINGHAM: I've learned how important providing a platform like this is, to put the microphone in front of a Jay Bailey or Houston White and Anna Mok, who told an incredible story around the whole Asian-Black intersectionality. And I hope people get from it is this sense that conversations that we have are never about shaming and blaming. FAITH SALIE: Yeah. GREG CUNNINGHAM: It's about how do we come together, wherever you are in the journey, so that we can solve these really big problems. [LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC] (DESCRIPTION) Catch Season 4. u s bank dot com slash real good.