Surprising benefits of commercial cards (DESCRIPTION) Graphic of a corporate card (SPEECH) You might hesitate to adopt a corporate card program because of the possibility of misuse, overspending, or other factors, too, like excessive spending or frivolous card expenditures. (DESCRIPTION) The card opens to show a stack of bills, then closes into a set of doors (SPEECH) But you need a better way to manage tight margins and understand where money is made and lost. (DESCRIPTION) A bar graph. An eye with a dollar sign in its pupil (SPEECH) Because corporate cards increase your visibility and control of company spend, not only are they ideal for keeping an eye on expenses, they give you a way to address subtle forms of internal fraud. (DESCRIPTION) A magnifying glass looks over a report. Three dollar signs stand out. (SPEECH) Take an exaggerated expense report. (DESCRIPTION) A report with five dollar signs on every line (SPEECH) This could easily fall through the cracks and impact your bottom line if left unchecked. (DESCRIPTION) Bars on a bar graph fall below zero (SPEECH) But with a corporate card and clearly communicated expense management policies, a flag can be raised, helping you prevent fraud and reduce unnecessary expenditures. This oversight provides control and visibility into all transactions, helping you understand spending patterns and recognize fraudulent behavior, even non-adherence to travel and expense policies, which are hard to identify with manual processes. (DESCRIPTION) Lists with a car, a bed, and an airplane over them. A magnifying glass moves over the lists, but the papers fly away (SPEECH) By moving away from paper-based processes and payment methods that are slower and less effective at identifying expense report fraud, you can both reduce fraud and increase efficiency. Corporate cards also allow you to know the exact expense amount, which makes inflating expenses or manipulating receipts more difficult. (DESCRIPTION) A report reads $3,420.49. An upward arrow changes the number to $6,293.52. A credit card enters a machine and the number changes back (SPEECH) There are many corporate card programs available. Working with a trusted financial partner can help you find the right solution and create a well-defined expense management policy, helping you gain significant financial, operational, and security benefits for your organization. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A dollar sign, a gear, and a lock appear from a credit card Text, U-S Bank, u-s-b Copyright 2018. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. U-S Bank, Visa