See why U.S. Bank Instant Card is the right choice for your business. (SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) Text, U.S. Bank. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: Do you have employees, contractors, or external consultants who work remotely and need to make business purchases, but don't have a corporate card? (DESCRIPTION) Illustrations of people. (SPEECH) If they don't have a corporate card or ready access to checks, extending purchasing power to them through the business is a challenge. The U.S. Bank Instant Card mobile app, allows you to provide immediate, safe, and easy access to virtual card accounts and your operational funds for those who need it. It's simple. With a few easy steps, you can push real time virtual cards out to your employees, contractors, volunteers, and customers directly into their mobile wallet. This can be done via the web or in the mobile app on their smartphone or tablet. Here's how it works. (DESCRIPTION) A phone appears. (SPEECH) Simply identify the recipients you need to send funds to, enter the dollar amount and how long it should be active, add their name, mobile number, and email address. Then click Send. Instant card recipients will receive an email to download their new virtual card into their mobile wallet in a single click. (DESCRIPTION) Second phone with email. (SPEECH) They can begin using it immediately, in person or online using the full account number and CVV. It replaces the need for using personal cards, petty cash, or manual checks. Eliminating the painful process of covering business spend with a personal card. Instant card funds are safe and secure. You maintain control and visibility into all Instant card account use and associated business spend, using U.S. Bank access online, program management, and reporting tools. (DESCRIPTION) A demo card appears. (SPEECH) In real-time, at any time, anywhere, for those who need it. It's that easy. Are you ready for U.S. Bank Instant Card? Signing up is easy. There's no cost or extra work to do. Simply contact a U.S. Bank representative to learn about the simple steps to turn on U.S. Bank Instant Card mobile app capabilities today. Or email us at (DESCRIPTION) U.S. Bank Instant Card. Copyright 2020. U.S. Bank.